Possibilities and Storytelling

September 22nd, 2015

I remember reading a magazine article describing how the author anticipated the arrival of the seed catalog every spring. He loved poring through the possibilities of what to plant. I think I know the feeling; I have a similar reaction to paging through recipes. So many possibilities, all of them looking delicious, and most of them affordable. Many possibilities for my life.
One of the attractions of youth, I think, is the array of possibilities. You can choose this major or that. You can marry this person, or another…or opt for a single life indefinitely. It is easy to be mobile, you can join the Peace Corps, or stay in your hometown. However, you cannot delay the choice making for too long, because that can make you stagnant as well. Every choice excludes others. To some extent, each choice “locks you in”.
However, in today’s world, there are opportunities that our predecessors didn’t have. We can change careers. We can divorce with relative ease. We can travel by various means. And then there are the virtual escapes from everyday life. Retirement brings even more possibilities for changing up the routine.
Storytelling is another activity that involves many choices and patterns. The author can choose anything in the world as her subject, or even create one of her own. Maybe that’s the universal appeal of the invitation “tell me a story”. We know a door is opening. We’re not sure where the path will lead us, but we can be pretty sure the journey will be wonderful.

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