A Murder in May

A nun joins forces with her late husband’s partner when she learns about the murder of a former friend. Armed with Jed McCracken’s police detective skills and Sister Lucie’s intuition, the pair tackles the task of finding the killer in A Murder in May,  available on Amazon (print and Kindle), Smashwords, and through the Wings e-Press website in various e-formatsSister Lucie never understood why the victim, Charlene Stowes, became disillusioned with the religious life eighteen months before her death. Now she’s challenged to make sense of Charlene’s charade of a marriage and her liaison with a stranger. Jed provides the police know-how for the investigation and Sister Lucie’s experiences involving her deceased husband, Mark, validate the importance of specific clues. The killer proves elusive, however, until Sister Lucie agrees to bait a trap.

A Murder in May is a tale of reaping what is sown. The action takes place in the Indianapolis area after the 500 Festival Mini-Marathon. The story will appeal to readers who enjoy puzzles surrounding human motivation and behavior. The trail toward the crime’s solution leads Sister Lucie and Jed through layers of deception, temptation and greed with each new discovery emphasizing the consequences of human failings, including their own.

Here's the link to Amazon:  http://tinyurl.com/ydaf5b2n