From C.L. Shore’s Blog:

Excerpt: Titania’s Suitor, romantic suspense…(featuring the romance)
Posted September 25th, 2015

Graduate student (and nurse) Charlotte Stone and her husband Pete are separated…but Pete plans a special celebration for Charlotte. To: Hansen, V Date: Monday, January 12 From: Stone, Charlotte P Subject: Oh my …! Hi Veronica, Where do I start? I had an unusual, but very enjoyable birthday! Pete picked me up at 4:30 and Read the Rest…

Possibilities and Storytelling
Posted September 22nd, 2015

I remember reading a magazine article describing how the author anticipated the arrival of the seed catalog every spring. He loved poring through the possibilities of what to plant. I think I know the feeling; I have a similar reaction to paging through recipes. So many possibilities, all of them looking delicious, and most of Read the Rest…

Pondering the effects of time
Posted September 5th, 2015

I’m revisiting The Rule of Four, a book I enjoyed over a decade ago. It contains content on secret codes, a topic that appealed to me in the past, and still does. I’m fascinated by the fact that there are two authors, best friends who wrote the book at a very young age. Now, from Read the Rest…